There once was a little guy, scrawny guy who wanted to be a soldier and fight his nation’s enemies. He tried to enlist, but was turned down because physical characteristics were lacking. He was physically small and weak. Luckily for him, there was a secret government project that created a serum that could change a person’s physical characteristics and create a superhuman out of them.

So this guy, named Steve Rogers, took the serum and turned to Captain America. He fought many supervillains and became a superhero.


Unfortunately this story is fiction. However it does speak to the way many people in this world are trying to do things.

People are often trying find that magic serum or to find that silver bullet for whatever problem they have. That’s why articles on “hacks” are so popular.

These articles are interesting to read, but they often present a simplified version of reality. Furthermore, even if people read these articles, they don’t act on them.

They finish the article, think how mind blowing it is and then go back to doing the things that they were always doing.

The “hacks” mindset creates the impression is that if you learn this one little trick or do this one special thing, you will magically solve whatever you are trying to solve. It’s the same type of thinking that gets excited about secret serums and magic wands.

The truth is a bit different though. Just like there are no magic wands or secret serums that will transform you into a superhero overnight, there are very few magic hacks that will help you take the easy way out.

In reality life is hard. There are short-cuts, but even they are usually not easy. You need to work for things that you want.

When you realize this and stop looking for short-cuts and instead start creating a vision for yourself and implementing steps to fulfil that vision, then you will start making progress. When you take the long-term view to goals and problems, then you will finally improve.


Read More: Why having a goal-driven mindset is important

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One thought on “Fundamental Mindset Change: There Is No Simple Hack To Life”

  1. Because we live in a instant gratification world. People don’t want to give a little sacrifice now to benefit the future. These people are so used to any want or need they have being instantly given to them that they lack any patience or dedication.

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